Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Nurse and the Pilot: Taking Poly MVA for the Rest of My Life

Retired Nurse Lynne Jones and Capt. WJ Perlmutter discuss why they will take Poly MVA for the rest of their lives. Listen to their inspiring radio show here:

Lynne was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer seven years ago. She had paid attention to her diet and practiced a holistic lifestyle.  As a nurse, Lynne was well aware of the damaging affect of some traditional cancer treatments. During her chemo, her doctor gave her Poly-MVA. Then, more devastating news: She was diagnosed with Hertu positive breast cancer. A traditional treatment regime coupled with Poly MVA has resulted in Lynne being cancer free seven years later following a stage three diagnosis. She states "I will take Poly MVA for the rest of my life. It was the Poly MVA that allowed me to take the chemo with minimized side affects.", states Lynne.

Capt. WJ Perlmutter has a passion, that passion is flying!

Seven years ago, he was diagnosed with leukemia and told he could not fly any more. After being introduced to Poly MVA, Capt Perlmutter continues to fly and he states he will take Poly MVA for the rest of his life. "Poly MVA repairs my body on a cellular level", states Capt. Perlmutter.